Watch and Listen

Brand new Official Music Video of “Love Changes Everything” has been called “condensed happiness”….Watch below and click here to download the single free. For a limited time.

Behind-the-Scenes of “Love Changes Everything” Official Music Video.

Official Music Video of “Talk to Me”

An embarrassing blooper video of yours truly….

Scenes from the road

It’s coming….TUES APRIL 9!

61 thoughts on “Watch and Listen

  1. Richard Rossier

    Wow so funny. Love the blooper video!! Kat I hope you are OK, that looked like quite the fall there!!

  2. Jennifer

    Cool video and great song! Your mom & her group just performed at one of our functions last weekend – both of you are stunning ladies with beautiful voices 🙂

  3. Glen Bostic

    You should have kept the fall in the video Kat! You know love can do that to you when it isn’t going right.
    By the way, how much did it cost to fix the bush?

  4. Doyle

    It was delightful and very funny video clip. If you send it in “Funniest Home Videos” it might won. Thanks for sharing this for you put a smile in my heart.

  5. Carolina

    OMG…stomach hurting right now….can’t breathe cause I’m laughing so hard. THANK YOU for posting this. I needed a good laugh!!

  6. Julie Parsons

    OMG….first as your mother, “are you ok?” second as your audience, “that is hilarious!” I agree with the suggestion to send to America’s Funniest Home Vids. I am going to watch it again. I need the laugh. BTW, did you know humor is one of Freud’s mature defense mechanisms…meaning that laughing is healthy!!!

  7. Betsy Athey

    What a riot! You’re the best entertainer! I agree- Post on Funniest Music Videos! New title: “Fall For It (Backwards)!”

  8. Thomas

    Oh my, I hope you were ok. I think you were totally setup by the crew for the fall by making you dizzy haha. It was probably payback for filming the crew and putting it on Youtube, and hitting the DP with the boom mic lol. Love the vids & music! <3 (:

  9. george

    The Behind The Scenes vid is great! The skipping / twirling / dancing DP-dude is hilarious. Obviously you were okay after the fall ’cause you were laughing. But that poor defenseless hedgerow… Thanks for the laughs and the great music. 🙂

  10. Rick Blocher


    You are really one crazy lady, and you have a Beautiful voice, very happy, makes me happy. Thanks for sharing your video’s.God Bless, keep going you are on a roll, and will do well.


  11. David Johns

    Thank you for the ‘blooper’ video. It’s so nice to see a human side to put with the beautiful music! And I hope you are OK.

  12. Jeanie Borchelt

    So funny Love the new video. I had the best time watching the making of your video Love Changes Everything. Wish I could have been a part of the making of it. It looked like so much fun. You are hysterical! I think you should try and have someone write a story for you for a TV Show. Something like live with Kat. You are so talented…And of course a beautiful voice and a great song writer. Thanks for the entertainment. Made my day. Jeanie from Sonoma Ca.

  13. Dario Cruz

    Olá, Kat !
    I like very much your beautiful song and your romantic voice !
    I love you and your music …
    Regards, DC

  14. Barbara

    We love the video! And the song! Keep them coming– that condensed happiness is contagious. We have a playlist of music that plays every morning to get us up and out of bed and your “Love” starts it off. Thank you!

    1. Kat

      What a lovely comment Barbara! And what a great idea…I need a playlist to help me too! Someone was telling me they play the Rocky theme music as their alarm…I though that was funny! I’m honored to be a part of your morning!

  15. DJ Mario Afonso

    Congratulations Kat & team for the effected created nature em 01:20 ha,ha, my note is 1,000. ♥ ♥ ♥, You’re brilliant. Welcome!
    Wish you success. Congratulations.
    Official Music Video of “Talk to Me”
    Spectacular!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Applause!!!!!! My Precious Gems.

    Greetings – Dj Mario Afonso – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil
    I love music, dogs, human beings and nature.
    Much music, health and peace.

  16. Carrie Caverly

    HAHAHAHA! I LOVE the blooper video! especially your laugh! And how you’re laughing and saying “that really hurt!” you’re the best Kat!
    – Carrie

  17. Pamela

    Loved the blooper video. It brought back such great memories of the same thing happening as children for me and my friends. Glad you’re okay. Thanks for the laugh.

  18. Vinny Sheridan

    Thank you for sharing your Behind the scenes video, It looked so much fun, and I couldn’t stop laughing. The song is Fabulous… I Love your Music, Best wishes from The UK.


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