I made you a holiday present…

I made you a present for the holidays. I recorded Joni
Mitchell’s “River” with my mom. Do you know the
song? Do you like Joni Mitchell? Have you heard
her version of “Both Sides Now” from Dreamland? I
love comparing it to the version she sang when she
was eighteen. You can hear the life she’s lived in the
later version- I find it very moving. Let me know
what you think.

In an effort to spread the word, I’m asking that you
share on FaceBook or tweet on Twitter to get the
song. Hope you don’t mind and it means a lot
when you spread the word – it’s how I make a
living. So, thank you. If you don’t have either,
shoot me an email and I’ll reply with the mp3

And here’s the song!!

What are you listening to right now?

Big love,


32 thoughts on “I made you a holiday present…

  1. Richard Rossier

    Wow! I love Joni Mitchell and have always loved this song. I kissed her backstage after her concert in Ann Arbor back in the 70s, but enough about me! Anyway, Kat, this version by you and your talented mom is the BEST! Thanks. Merry Christmas!

    1. Richard Rossier

      I was a huge Joni Mitchell fan in college. My buddy Brendan and I ended up going, he was a big Joni fan too. I told him we should sneak backstage after the show and see if we could get a kiss. Somehow, after the show we snuck backstage at Hill Auditorium on the Michigan campus. But then we didn’t know where Joni was, so we stood around trying to act like we belonged (ha ha!). Finally Joni and her entourage emerged from her dressing room and headed towards the bus. I was able to get right behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. “Joni I’m a huge fan and I was wondering if maybe i could have a kiss.” She turned and smiled. She said “Well, you know I have all this greasy lipstick on.” I said. “That’s OK!” And we kissed, right on the lips. Later back at the dorm I was laying on my bed with a big smile on my face. A friend stopped by, “What’s with Rossier?” My roommate said, “Don’t bother him. He kissed Joni Mitchell tonight and he’s reliving the experience!” And now you know, the rest of the story!

  2. Carrie

    that was so awesome Kat! thank you! you’re so generous. 🙂 and I love your voice.
    we went to a great show saturday night: Horsefeathers. Portland band. dual violins, bass cello, mandolin… the lead vocalist played a tambourine with his foot! and even dual saws! like wood saws. amazing sound. they were such a great band. loved the symphonic sound mixed with modern rock and vocals.
    you rock!
    – Carrie

  3. Mark Grinnell

    Beautiful Kat, thank you! You know I’m a big fan of collaborations between you and your Mom, and this is one of my fave Joni Mitchell tunes too. Once on a road trip we had a “River-off”, playing dueling versions of the song. It’s great to have a new contender for River Queen 😉

  4. Alan G

    Kat, this song’s been covered many times, but this is absolutely beautiful !! hope to catch you back on east cost again soon 🙂

  5. J Enix

    Thanks Kat!
    I wish that I had an ounce of musical talent. All that I can do these days is sing along, play the CD, radio and iTunes.
    Thanks for the track it is really great.
    Have fun in Maryland. May they give you the warmest welcome.
    My wife claims Maryland as her home state as well.

    1. Kat Post author

      hey jim! yay for MD! I wish that i liked crabs! and i’m so glad to know you are singing along, pressing play, opening iTunes and turning on the radio! that is an important part! 🙂

  6. Patrick

    Perhaps my all time favorite Joni Mitchell tune.
    You have honored her and the song with your passionate brilliant rendition…. Thank you for the gift.


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