What’s Wrong? Who Knows When? I DO : OCT 9, 2012

A year and a quarter ago, I went into the studio to record my FIRST EVER happy love songs. (Not counting the one I wrote for the stranger when I was on that MTV show….and many of you know how well that went. (Not Well.))

I was determined to be able to dance at my live show. I have some serious moves and it was not fair to deprive the world of the booty shaking with which I grew up in University Park, MD. While many of you were listening to your parents record collections of Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell and Rolling Stones, I was singing along to musical gems like “…let me lick you up and down, till you sing stop…”, way before I realized he was not talking about sharing a lollipop. My dial was firmly set on WPGC 95.5 “Slow Jamz” where I would dance to other romantic songs like, “Feels like your dancing kind of close, feel a little poke coming through…”

All this to say in ONE MONTH on OCTOBER 9, I will finally be releasing my FIRST EVER happy boppy love songs (and some fun bonuses!!) and I couldn’t be more excited. Watch this video for a sneak peak and behind the scenes look at recording my first reggae(!!!) song, “What’s Wrong?”. This video just gives a very small taste of how awesome this song will sound when you blast it through your speakers and do YOUR moves.

Click below and leave a comment to let me know you you’re here! Big love, Kat

Thanks to George Reasner for making this!

PS. Just posted this lyric video for “Differently”. It is so strange, it’s funny. I love the puppet that sings about the “glass slipper”…who would’ve thought he would be the one looking for it.

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21 thoughts on “What’s Wrong? Who Knows When? I DO : OCT 9, 2012

  1. Bob

    I love “Differently”!!! It’s a great song that I totally relate to. Thank you for continuing to share your gorgeous voice to make good music.


  2. Jessica

    The fact that you mention WPGC 95.5 in your blog, that is just awesome! Super excited about your next EP lady! Maybe the 3rd will have some go-go on it? Just a thought!


  3. Dave

    Can’t wait to do the dancin’! And to add a third disk after No Will Power and Talk to Me in the CD changer. I’m stoked!

  4. Angela

    Oh you know the kids go crazy when they see you “live” – they just said last week that they missed you and wanted to see you again. We’ll have to make that happen! We’re so excited about your new music and can’t wait to bop to it up here in the Great White North!
    Lots of love from all of us! xo

    1. Kat Post author

      Aww, that’s the sweetest! I can’t wait for you to bop to it too! I will never forget Ted’s moves at your house concert! He’s bound to have some good ones for this next EP! And would love to come back up there!

  5. Glen Bostic

    Very cute Kay! By the way, on the “studio” video did I hear Dissonance on the keyboard at 1:06??
    Kudos to the puppeteers! Love you.


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