How to drive off a cliff into the ocean…..

As you know, over the past few years, I have had the honor of
performing in over 22 countries. I have encountered some
entertaining scenes from the road during that time:

One of my favorites from Vietnam.

How to drive off a cliff into the ocean....(South Korea)

This says it all. A fellow muso friend posted this, too funny not to include. (USA)

Who knew Tourist Menus were so controversial? (Italy)

What's slower than slow?

Lost in translation. I have a 50/50 chance. (Fukuoka, Japan)

Wishing you adventure on your journey! And would love to see YOUR scenes! Please post!



19 thoughts on “How to drive off a cliff into the ocean…..

    1. Kat Post author

      Oh my gosh, George! That picture is hilarious! It had me laughing out loud….and the caption “Only in desperation” hA!! Thank you for posting! How can I share it?

      1. George

        Glad you liked it. There’s a Share button for Twitter and Facebook above the pic. Other than that the only way I know is to copy / paste the link. 🙂

  1. Julie Parsons

    I am still laughing about the seniors, disabled and musicians sign. Being a musician first, I am proud to be in all 3 categories:)

    1. Glen Bostic

      Myself also Julie. Hope you and Darrell enjoyed your CA visit. Thanks so much for coming over with Kat, had a great time with you guys!

  2. Carrie

    Kat, I LOVE these photos! So funny.

    remember getting directions in Japan from the group of traveling (japanese) ladies who spoke no english? we were standing next to a very helpful set of signs like those in your photo. they were so nice! but couldn’t understand a word they said!


  3. charley

    I love all of those! “Seniors… disabled… musicians… slug…” We are talking about the bottom of the food chain, aren’t we?

    The pic of the Japanese signs, however, actually brought on a bit of anxiety from a past memory… My plane from LA was delayed and I missed my connecting flight in Korea to Taiwan. The signs and whatever verbal announcements there were over the loudspeaker were all kinda like that picture! That’s not comforting when you you’re stuck by yourself in a foreign airport and don’t know what the heck to do!

  4. Glen Bostic

    You have had some interesting experiences Kat! It’s been fun hearing about and seeing them over the years. Lots of laughs, some at your own expense, but your sense of humor and candor is one of the things that endears you to so many people. Keep it up dear!

    1. Kat Post author

      Thanks Glen- it means a lot to know you have enjoyed hearing about them! I love laughing at my own expense! As you know, I think I am so funny! ha ha!!


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